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A. Selected Publications


     1. Books and Book Chapters


“Boston.” Chapter in Encyclopedia of Journalism, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2009.


“Religion and Freedom of Expression Law in the European Union.” Chapter in Religion, Law and Freedom: A Global Perspective, New York, N.Y.: Greenwood, 2000.


Media Law and Regulation in the European Union, Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1998.


"The Greek Media Face the Twenty-first Century: Will the Adam Smith Complex Replace the Oedipus Complex?" Chapter in Greece Prepares for the Twenty-first Century, Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.


Mass Media in Greece: Power, Politics and Privatization, Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1993 (with Dr. T. Zaharopoulos).


"The Modern Greek Press." Chapter in Modern Greek Studies Yearbook, Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, Volume 7, Spring 1992.


"Europe." Chapter in Global Journalism, New York, N.Y.: Longman, 2nd edition, 1991. (Edited by Dr. John Merrill.)


Greece and the American Press: Observations, Implications, Strategies, New York, N.Y.: KRIKOS Publishers, 1986 (editor).


"Greece and Turkey Mirrored." Chapter in Foreign News and the New World Information Order, Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1984.


"The Press System of Greece." Chapter in World Press Encyclopedia, New York, N.Y.: Facts on File, 1981.



Other Research

Lead researcher of Τα  ορφανά του 1821 Ιστορίες Αμερικανικού Φιλελληνισμού (The Orphans of 1821, Stories of American Philhellenism), an 11-part documentary on Greek PBS (ERT), January-September 2021.

I was an invited member of an international team of researchers that worked on the UNESCO-sponsored study "Foreign News and International News Flow in the 1990s." The study was conducted through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Center for Mass Communication Research of the University of Leicester, England (1995-96). I headed the teams that were responsible for data and analysis of the print and broadcast media of Greece and Cyprus.



       2. Journal Articles


“Boston and Journalism: A Special Relationship,” Clio, Spring 2009.


"The Boston Globe's 'Summer from Hell'," Media Ethics, Fall 1998.


"Food Lion vs. ABC: Is there a Silver Lining for the Press?" Media Ethics, Spring 1997.


"News Media and 'Conflict': 1896 and 1996," Media Ethics, Spring 1996.


"Is the Greek Press at the Threshold of a Historic Change?" Emphasis, the scholarly journal of the Hellenic Resources Institute, edited at Harvard University, April-June 1995.


"U.S.-Wahlkampf 1992: Die Medien werden kritischer," Bertelsmann Aktiengesellschaft

Bertelsmann Briefe, May 1993.


"The Images of Germans and Germany in the U.S. News Media," International Communication Bulletin, Spring 1991 (with T. DeLuca).


"Third World Constitutional Protection of the Press," Journal and Review, International Third World Studies, 1990.


"The Press and Foreign Policy: A Case Study of the Coverage of Cyprus," Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Fall 1988.


"Newspapers Look to the Airwaves in Norway, Sweden," International Communication Bulletin, Fall 1987.


"Network News Coverage of the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon," Journalism Quarterly, Autumn 1985 (with B. Rutherford, graduate assistant).


"The Downing of KAL #007‑‑A Case Study in Foreign News Coverage," The Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1985. (with J. Stewart, graduate assistant).


"Greek Mass Media: A Critical Appraisal," Journalism Quarterly, Summer 1983.


"Legal Constraints on the Press in Post‑Junta Greece, 1974‑77," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1983.


"Scanning the Media," Washington Journalism Review, July‑August 1983.


"Media Report on Greece," World Media Report, February 1983.


"The Use of Photos, Art with Editorials," Masthead, Summer 1982. 


"Dueling Dailies," Washington Journalism Review, September 1982 (with J. Katz).


Contributing author, The World of News‑‑News of the World, a UNESCO‑sponsored study conducted by members of the International Association of Mass Communication Research (directed by Dr. J. Halloran, University of Leicester, England), Fall 1981.


"International Media Course: It's Also for Small Schools," Journalism Educator, October 1980.


"Advising Means Guidance," College Press Review, Spring 1979.


"Survey Reflects Satisfaction," Matrix, Winter 1978‑79. 


"Numerous Obstacles Hinder Formal Training in Greece," Journalism Educator, January 1979.


"Constitutional Press Provisions: A World Profile," Harvard University's Nieman Reports, Summer 1978.


"Testing Student Court Powers," College Press Review, Fall‑Winter 1978‑79.


"Arkansas Salary Survey Results Reported," The Press Woman, January 1978.


"Value of Doctorate Increases in Journalism Education Market," Journalism Educator, January 1977.


"The Corrective Ad Challenge," Freedom of Information Center Publication, University of Missouri ‑ Columbia, Summer 1972.



      3. Book Reviews


"Total Propaganda: From Mass Culture to Popular Culture," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1998.


"A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States," Journalism Quarterly, Autumn 1997.


"The Spectacle of Democracy: Spanish Television, Nationalism and Political Transition," International Communication Bulletin, Spring 1996.


"Transnational Media and Third World Development" and "The Hidden War of Information," Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Summer 1990.


"Communication and Diplomacy in a Changing World," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1989.


"The Ravens of Odin," Journalism Quarterly, Fall 1988.


"Cuban‑American Radio Wars," Journalism Quarterly, Winter 1986.


"Dezinformatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Propaganda," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1985.


"Trade Secrets of Washington Journalists," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1982.


"The Glorious Absolutist," Journal of Communication, Autumn 1979.


"The Terrors of Justice," Journalism Quarterly, Summer 1979.



B. Invited Non-refereed Articles


“Critical Olympic Coverage Predates Athens,” National Herald (the main national Greek-American Newspaper), Aug. 14-15, 2004.


"Three Bush Campaign Duds Finish Doukakis," Eleftherotypia (a major Athens daily), March 18, 2000.


"Greek Newspapers at a Crossroads," Eleftherotypia, March 20, 2001 (co-authored with T. Zaharopoulos).


“Emerson Exports American Journalism Education to Europe," New England SPJ Newsletter, Spring 1995.



C. Other Scholarly Activities


Author, Boston's Journalism Trail. A 40-page booklet on Boston journalism, published by Emerson College for distribution to the attendees of the August 2009 national convention of AEJMC in Boston. It includes maps, photos and information on the newspapers that made Boston the birthplace of American journalism. It also includes similar information and illustrations about Boston’s famed “Newspaper Row” of the 1800s.


Author of the web site "The Boston Journalism Trail":


Author, The First Greeks of Boston. A study of 17th and 18th century migration patterns and the first Greek newspaper in the Americas (published Boston in 1892). Unveiling at the Greek Institute, Cambridge, MA, April 2010. Web site:


Co-publisher, since 1994, Media Ethics, a journal of scholarly articles on journalism ethics. Author of "Ethicalia: A Compendium of Global Ethical Minutia," a column appearing in each issue of the magazine. Director of the magazine’s online edition.


Member, Editorial Board, International Communication Research Journal.


Founder and editor, 1985‑88, Journal of Arkansas Journalism Studies,  the state's only  mass  media research publication.


Freedom of Information Laws in Scandinavia. Part of my 1986-87 Fulbright assignment, this research project focused on the relationship between press subsidies and press constraints.


The press and foreign policy is my next area of research concentration. I have just completed data gathering on the relationship between foreign policy and news coverage.



D. Selected Scholarly Presentations

"Boston's Journalism Trail," the Boston Athenaeum, March 13, 2017.

“The First Greeks of Boston,” the Alpha-Omega Council, Boston, May 2012; also, the Greek Institute, Cambridge, MA, April 2011.


“How The New York Times Covered the 1922 Burning of Smyrna,” Hellenic College/Holy Cross Graduate School of Theology, September 2005.


“Recent European Elections: Electoral Discontent or the End of the Left?” Tufts University’s Fletcher School, April 2004.


“Mirrored Images: America and Europe in Each Other’s Media,” Emerson College/Goethe Institute, November 2003.


“The Image of Greece in the U.S. Media,” Center for European Studies, Harvard University, January 2000.


“The Changing European Media Environment,” Center for International Affairs & Program on Information Resources and Policy, Harvard University, December 1995.


"The First Amendment: A Global Perspective," Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 1995.


"Libel Law in the United States," Law School of the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, February 1993.


"Corrective Reporting: U.S. TV Networks Learn the Lessons of 1988," U.S. Election Retrospective, sponsored by EIIC-Emerson and the University of Limburg, The Netherlands, November 1992. 


"Media Coverage of the 1992 U.S. Presidential Election," Department of Political Science, University of Neijmegen, The Netherlands, November 1992.


"Ethical Issues of Student Newspapers," Department  of Defense Schools Journalism Conference, December 1992, Nuremberg, Germany.


"Media and Ethnicity," Education Department, University of Bielefeld, Germany, June 1992.


"Communication Education Opportunities for the U.S. and France," Valenciennes (France) Education Department, March 1992.


"The Future of Communication Education in Europe,"  International School of Brussels, Belgium, February 1992 and "International Careers in Communication--the 21st Century," Eindhoven (The Netherlands) International School, April 1992.


"European Broadcasting After Deregulation--Another Wasteland?" Conference on European Media Law, sponsored by the University of Limburg and the New York University Cardozo School of Law, Maastricht, The Netherlands, July 1991.


"Election Coverage: Free Elections and a Free Press?" Symposium for Eastern European Journalists, Castle Well, The Netherlands, May 1991.


"A Look into the Future of the European Media Industry," International Media Conference, sponsored by the University of Limburg, The Netherlands, Summer 1991.


"Media Ethics: The Challenge of the '90s," Department of Defense Schools Journalism Conference, December 1991, Nuremberg, Germany.


"The Challenge of Political 'Spin Medicine' to the Traditional Concept of Television News: A Case Study of the 1988 Political Campaign," AEJMC national convention, Minneapolis, 1990.


"Constitutional Press Provisions in the Developing World," Third World Studies Association annual convention.  University of Nebraska-Omaha, October 1989.


"The Greek Press: Can Greece Afford It?" Modern Greek Studies Association annual convention, University of Minnesota, November 1989.


"Constitutional Press Provisions: A World View," AEJMC annual convention, Washington, D.C., August 1989.


"The Future of Journalism," The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Fla., August 1988.


"American Influences on Swedish Journalism‑‑Pros and Cons," Institute for Journalism, University of Kalmar, Sweden, May 1987.


"Foreign Policy, Press and Public Opinion," Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway, April 1987.


"Freedom of Information‑‑a Comparative Approach," Mass Communication Institute, University of Bergen, Norway, March 1987.


"Press and the Political Process‑‑a Contemporary Western Model," Institute of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Norway, March 1987.


"The Challenge of the Situational Approach to Press Ethics," Mass Communication Institute, University of Bergen, Norway, March 1987.


"The International Flow of News and the Problems with Press‑Created National Images," Department of Mass Communication, University of Volda, Norway, March 1987.


"Copy Editing in the '90s," College of Post‑Graduate Journalism Education, Aarhus, Denmark, March 1987.


"The Role of the Press in Modern Society‑‑Traditions Tested," Mass Communication Research Institute, University of Oslo, Norway, February 1987.


"Media Consumption and International News: A Case Study in News Exposure, Coverage Satisfaction and Knowledge," AEJMC national convention, August 1985, Memphis State University (with E. Boice, graduate assistant).


“News Source Utilization: A Case Study in Foreign News Coverage‑‑The Downing of KAL #007,"  Southwest Symposium on Mass Communication, Louisiana State University, October 1984.


"The Rights and Responsibilities of the Student Editor in the '80s," National Education Association national convention, Little Rock, October 1984. 


"World Press Freedom Update," AEJMC convention, University of Florida, August 1984.


"The Newspaper of the Future," Associated Press Managing Editors Regional Conference, University of Central Arkansas, December 1983.


"The Image of Greece in the U.S. Press," paper presented to the annual symposium of KRIKOS, an association of Greek‑American scientists, Pace University, NYC, October 1983.


"Network Coverage of the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon," AEJMC national convention, Washington State University, August 1983.


"Designing the Company Magazine of the '80s," ISRAE National Convention, Memphis, Tenn., February 1983.


"Greece and Turkey Mirrored," Southwest Symposium on Mass Communication, San Angelo (Texas) State University, October 1982.


"Early Libertarian Views on Free Expression and Sedition: A Troublesome Dichotomy," Southwest Symposium for Mass Communication, Texas Christian University, October 1981.


"The Status of Press Laws and Press in Post‑Junta Greece," AEJ national convention, Michigan State University, August 1981.


"Intercultural Sensitivities‑‑A Faculty Viewpoint," AEJ national convention, Michigan State University, August 1981.


"Perception of Adequacy of Foreign News Coverage," Southwest Symposium for Mass Communication, University of Texas, October 1981 (with F. Vasquez).


"Afghanistanism Reconsidered," SPJ regional convention, Little Rock, Ark., March 1980.


"The Regulational Framework of the Student Press," National Council of College Publications Advisers (NCCPA) annual convention, San Francisco, Calif., October 1979.


"The Adviser Ombudsman?"  NCCPA annual convention, San Francisco, October 1979.


"Foreign Issues in American Editorial Pages‑‑A Quantification," Texas Journalism Education Council annual conference, Texas A&M University, October 1979.


"The Changing Role of Today's Reporter" and "The U.S. Supreme Court and the Media," Mass Communication Department, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, May 1979. 


"Propaganda Today" and "Press Freedom in Post‑Junta Greece," University of Missouri School of Journalism, October 1978.


"Pre‑publication Review," NCCPA annual convention, Houston, Texas, October 1978.


"The Ethnic Press in America," University of Missouri School of Journalism, May 1973.

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